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Karl Von Clausewitz Facts

Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz was a German-Prussian soldier and military theorist who stressed the "moral" (in modern terms, psychological) and political aspects of war. His most notable work, Vom Kriege (On War), was unfinished at his death. Clausewitz espoused a romantic conception of warfare, though he also had at least one foot planted firmly in the more rationalist ideas of the European Enlightenment. His thinking is often described as Hegelian because of his references to dialectical thinking but, although he probably knew Hegel, Clausewitz's dialectic is quite different and there is little reason to consider him a disciple. (1780 – 1831)

Quotes by Karl Von Clausewitz

To secure peace is to prepare for war.
Karl Von Clausewitz

War is the continuation of politics by other means.
Karl Von Clausewitz

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