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• Ayn Rand - writer and philosopher (1905-1982)

• Bertrand Russell - Philosopher (1872 - 1970)

• Ernest Renan - expert of Middle East ancient languages and civilizations, philosopher and writer (1823 – 1892)

• François De La Rochefoucauld - Author (1613 - 1680)

• Franklin D. Roosevelt - 32nd President of the United States (1882 – 1945)

• Helen Rowland - journalist and humorist (1875–1950)

• J. K. Rowling - novelist (1965)

• Jean-Jacques Rousseau - philosopher, writer and composer (1712-1778)

• Jim Rohn - entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker (1930 – 2009)

• Joe Ryan -

• John D. Rockefeller - industrialist and philanthropist (1839 – 1937)

• John Ruskin - art critic (1819 – 1900)

• Rainer Maria Rilke - poet and novelist (1875 – 1926)

• Theodore Roosevelt - 26th President of the United States (1858 — 1919)

• Tony Robbins - self-help author and motivational speaker (1960)

• Wess Roberts - author (1946 - )

• Will Rogers - cowboy, vaudeville performer, humorist, social commentator and motion picture actor (1879 – 1935)

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